Westwood Primary School is a dual-track English and French Immersion school of Grades K-3 with a population of approximately 600 students. We are part of the Public Schools Branch.
We’re located in the beautiful Town of Cornwall, Prince Edward Island. Westwood was built in 1991 and got its name because it is ‘west’ of Charlottetown, and sits on the fringe of a magnificent wooded area, thus ‘Westwood’ it became. Westwood Primary sits on one of the most peaceful and beautiful spaces in all of PEI.
Learn our School Song!
Westwood Song
Oh Westwood School, our home away from home,
Each and every day, come and smile along.
Shoulder to shoulder, together we are here,
To learn, to grow, and to celebrate with cheer.
Hourra pour Westwood!
Hourra pour les amis!
Donnons-nous la main
en dissant merci.
Oh Westwood School, where we strive to do our best,
With pride and joy we welcome every guest.
Join wth us as we work and sing and play,
And for our mascot “Westy” — we shout a big “hurrah”!
Hurrah for Westwood!
Hurrah for those who care!
Give a friend a hug just for being there.
Give a friend a hug, it spreads everywhere.
Learn About our Mascot Westy!
Westy was born to Westwood Primary School during our Spirit Days of 1992 and was made by the music teacher of the day, Maude Anschutz (retired, June 2005). A contest was held and the majority of students chose the name ‘Westy’. These days Westy is featured in our playground logo and throughout the school as he invites us all to “Move, Imagine, Discover” at Westwood.
Westy’s birthday is celebrated each year during our annual “Westy’s Birthday Bash”. Held in November and organized by our home and school association, Westy’s Birthday is a fun evening of entertainment for kids and adults alike.